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How much is your life worth?

Clear View Fencing costs much less than your life!


That is surely a question worth asking, which then begs another, more difficult question.  How much will you pay for your security systems today if you know that it will save your life tonight?


Let us answer the first question first. If you are in your early forties, of medium build and are in good health you are worth about R 9 000.000.00! That figure may differ from criteria to criteria but it sounds about right. Now let’s factor in the worth of your spouse, your children and your property and one is suddenly looking at the GDP of a small country!


A very important question:


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Let’s tackle the second, even more, important question.  How much would you be willing to spend on your security systems if you knew, without the shadow of a doubt, that it will spare your life? I’ll bet that you would go out of your way to ensure that you get the best of the best. No matter what the cost, no matter what the sacrifices. Life is sacrosanct and to play with it is at best extremely reckless.



Make sure that you live out your days:


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“Beware the Ides of March!!”


Common sense is sometimes not that common!


Common sense (and even the official statistics) has it, that you or a family member will be influenced by a violent crime in South Africa is very high. And getting higher by the day. We had a saying in the Police that ‘a murderer is just a burglar who hasn’t been caught yet!’ . I have often wondered as I worked at scenes of violent crime how the injured party would have reacted if he knew beforehand what was to come?


To put it in a historical perspective – how would Julius Caesar have reacted if he indeed took heed of the supposed warning   ‘to be aware of the ides of March’? The Ides of March was a day in the Roman calendar that corresponds to 15 March and it was notable for the Romans as a deadline for settling debts, and the Senate of Rome settled its debt that fateful day in 44 BC by murdering Julius Caesar.


Well – I am sure Caesar would have barricaded himself in his Villa and stayed indoors and behind several layers of walls and loyal Praetorian guards until he has killed those who were plotting against him since this is how they sorted problems back then. In today’s terms, we luckily don’t have to hire bodyguards in armour to safeguard ourselves – there are easier and much cheaper ways of doing things since we have the technical expertise as well as physical measures that have been developed fairly recently to help us out.


There are various ways and means to protect your property and your life which includes:


  • Perimeter Fencing (Electrified or not)
  • Alarm system IR (Active Infra-Red) Beams
  • Alarm System External PIR (Passive Infra-Red) Sensors
  • Internal PIR Sensors
  • Panic Buttons
  • All of which can be monitored by an Armed Reaction Company
  • Whilst you take refuge in your safe haven until the cavalry arrives


Your security is your problem!


Make sure you have the best you and your family deserves!



One cannot rely solely on Armed Reaction Officers or guards.  More often than not, crime comes as a total surprise whilst you are relaxing. There are so much violence visited upon you in such a short space of time. One is more often than not left with the agonising realisation that ‘I could have done thís’ or ‘I should have said thát’!  You are therefore the master of your own destiny. That means you have to first and foremost put measures in place in order to protect and buy yourself and everybody else some time. The easiest way to buy that time (metaphorically speaking) in a home environment is to make sure the would-be intruder has no way of endangering your person by scaling your perimeter fast enough to cause immediate problems.


And with this, we at WireTech Clear View Fencing (a division of Motiontech) are geared to help you! We are in fact anxious to be of assistance! To ensure that our clients have the best possible Anti Climb, Anti Cut, Anti Grind Clear View Type fencing available.


Apart from the afore-mentioned Clear View Type fences have other things going for them as well;


  • You can see through them which means that
  • Nobody can hide behind them, even at night,
  • It offers no obstruction to lights
  • Your CCTV Cameras can also monitor movement on the other side of the fence
  • They are easy to maintain, and last but not least
  • They look amazing!


Don’t delay and risk crime reaching out to touch you.  Phone us now on 0861253278 and we will do the rest. Our quotes are free of charge and for large scale projects, we offer a free Risk Analysis as well!







**When contacting the office, please use rep code W 01, for an additional 5% discount.


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